A 2D puzzle platformer where you play as a boy dressed as a wizard on Halloween with the goal of rescuing his cat from monsters. Use a magic wand that summons blocks in front of you to locate the key and reach the door at the end of the stage.

Project Overview:
- Roles: Creator, Game Designer, Programmer, Artist
- Game Engine: Unity
- Genre: Platformer/Puzzle
- Platform: PC
- OST: By Battle of the Bits Spooky VRC6

Project Breakdown:
- Year 2022
- Duration: 8 months
- Team size: 1

Project Goals:
- Program a gameplay mechanic that allows the player to summon blocks that they can use to travers the area around them
- Apply feedback given by peers and professors from quality assurance testing and bug reports
- Players build a connection with the main character and engage with the overall story
- Satisfying puzzles that allow multiple ways to solve

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorCarlos Cruz
Tags2D, Puzzle-Platformer, Singleplayer

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